ANIMAL: Roosevelt Elk

When we were walking along the Hoh River trail last October we came across a Roosevelt Elk. The first picture below is the elk that we saw (it was hard to get a good picture because of were we were standing). It felt so special to see this beautiful creature in such an amazing place. Everyone on the trail was quiet, trying not to move so we could observe for as long as possible. We had no idea that the Olympic Peninsula had the largest unmanaged herd of Roosevelt Elk in the United States!

Weight: Usually 600-700 lbs but bulls can get up to 1,100 lbs.

Diet: ferns, shrubs, and lichens from the rain forest, as well as meadow grasses

Fun Fact: The Roosevelt Elk are named after our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt. President Theodore Roosevelt redesignated part of the Olympic Forest Reserve as Mount Olympus National Monument in 1909 in an effort to preserve the native habitat of the elk herds. These efforts are why the once-called Olympic Elk are now called Roosevelt Elk in this presidents' honor.

PS. Download our Free Pack ‘O Fun: Olympic Peninsula. It includes coloring sheets and a word search! HERE!

PPS. Watch what the USDA Forest Service is doing to improve elk habitat below.


IDEA: DIY Shoe Design


THING:Matilija Poppy