PERSON: Sarah Anne Bargatze

So happy to introduce you to our good friend Sarah Anne Bargatze! We share so many things in common and constantly learn from their love, passions and experiences. So lucky to have her as a friend AND neighbor! Scroll down to read your delightfully wonderful interview. Thank you Sarah Anne!

1. What are some of your current obsessions? This summer has been a journey of learning for me, leaning into learning Spanish and taking guitar lessons for the first time in my life. I have been loving reading fantasy novels this year as well. I used to not allow myself to enjoy some types of art because I was too worried that I might be judged for not having good enough taste, I am letting that go and loving it! The reality is that people who create things are amazing and inspiring, so many of us have so much we want to do that we cannot allow ourselves to actually create, for many many reasons. I have come to really respect creators of all types and have a much more gentle and joyful lens for what I like and share with others. I want to ease all of this for myself and also for my wonderful and incredibly creative son Ezra. I have also been really enjoying learning more about Drag culture and how much it feeds creative flow, self love, and pushing boundaries. Also for the adults out there highly recommend the Celebrity Book Club for a bunch of fun and deep giggles. Finally I am also obsessed with watching my child get into music on his own, especially since he is loving 90's indie rock. Life is so cool.

 2. Tell us a story from your childhood. As a young child I grew up just outside of Nashville, Tennessee with a beautiful garden in my backyard. Nature has always been my happy place and safe space and I would spend tons of time in the creek and trees. We had a small vegetable garden and I loved to play there, there was a tiny green snake who lived in it and I named him Sammy. Our older neighbors were from England originally and had a beautiful garden. Having tea with her when she offered was one of my favorite things. I would catch bugs for a night then let them go, chase fireflies around the back yard and climb to the top of our tulip poplar tree in front of our house and sing songs that I made up as I went. I often feel that making art or crafting these days takes me back into a similar place of joy.

 3. What are some of your daydreams? I daydream often about joy, trying to really slow my life down these days and get to know what really truly makes me joyful! I day dream often about wandering in nature, being a tiny caterpillar lounging under a mushroom, having my feet in a cool creek, opening a bakery with Ezra by the ocean somewhere, writing a book of poems.

 4. What is something you heard or saw recently that has stuck with you? Lately I have really been thinking about the reminder that you never know what is going on with someone else's life. So much messaging in the world makes us fearful of others and wary of interacting with strangers because we worry that they may be looking to harm or take advantage of us. Honestly remembering to look for the beauty and the good in others and to remember that everyone's lives are infinitely complex is so important and makes life so much more beautiful. Basically I try to lead with giving grace to myself and those in my life. Also that a dying star can look like an eye as it gives off its outer layers and runs out of fuel. You can see photos of the Ring Nebula with samples of this on the James Webb Telescope IG page, @esawebb.

5. What is something you are looking forward to? I am looking forward to visiting South America, to playing music with a group of people when I begin to feel comfortable enough play with others, and spending lots of good creative time with my family this fall. I am looking forward to collaborating with friends in artistic ways and hopefully sharing some art in a public space again soon!

IG: @sarahannebargatze | Website:


PLACE: Bryce Canyon


THING: Tintype Photography