PERSON: Amila Monkewitz

Amila Monkewitz

Meet Amila Monkewitz, the Co-Founder of Ecstatic Blossom. She is an amazing person who works hard, loves making arts and crafts and is generous, adventurous, loving and kind. She loves writing, animals and dancing! Yay Amila!

1.  What are some of your current obsessions? Decorating custom notebooks with Washi tape for friends and family. I will always be obsessed with cats!

2.  Tell us a story from your childhood. When I was little I had a birthday party with donkeys and horses. It was fun because you got to ride them.

3.  What are some of your daydreams? Having a pool in my backyard!

4.  What is something you heard or saw recently that has stuck with you? A kiln gets hotter then molten hot lava! I never thought anything could get hotter than lava.

5.  What is something you are looking forward to? Going to Switzerland to visit my family! I am looking forward to hiking, lake swimming and spending time with the family.


PLACE: Bubble Gum Alley (SLO)!