PLACE: Hoh Rainforest

Did you know there are rainforests on the west coast of the United States? We didn’t and were excited to visit one last year! The Hoh Rainforest is located in the Olympic Peninsula in Washington. It is one of the largest temperate rainforest in the United States - 24 miles of low elevation forest formed thousands of years ago by glaciers.

Surrounding you are many large trees like Douglas Firs, Giant Wester Hemlocks and Sitka Spruce. There was an insane and delightful amount of moss and ferns that seemed to overtake the tress and the ground. There are shorter hikes, including the Hall of Mosses trail to a much longer trail, the Hoh River trail. We spent some time on the Hoh River trail and saw an Elk along with so many plants that had us stopping every few feet.

This is a very magical place. We highly suggest visiting! Learn more!

PS. We didn’t plan enough time to make it to the quietest spot in the United States but it is located in the Hoh Rainforest. Learn more about the project HERE!

PPS. Download our Free Pack ‘O Fun: Olympic Peninsula. It includes coloring sheets and a word search! HERE!


THING:Matilija Poppy


PERSON:Eugenia Clark