ANIMAL: Flight

We love a good air show over here at ACO! But why do these fantastical birds, in particular the pigeon, fly in mesmerizing, circular formations.

  • Flying in circles allows pigeons to sense the earth’s magnetic field which helps them in navigation. Learn about the tests they used to discover how pigeons could sense a magnetic field, HERE!

  • They also smell the many odors in the air. They do this until they find the smell native to their home. Are there any scents that make your home recognizable to you?

  • Pigeons fly in circles is to discourage raptors from preying on them. Pigeons live in the same environment as crows and peregrine hawks, and are sometimes attacked by them. When a flock of pigeon senses danger from one of these birds, they are likely to leave their area of rest and fly in circles till the threat passes.

Learn more about why pigeons are so rad, HERE!


IDEA: Play a game


THING: Interpretive Trail Signs