ANIMAL: Goldendoodle

Meet Deuce, a friendly and sweet Goldendoodle! A Goldendoodle is a delightful mix of a Golden Retriever and a poodle. They have soft, curly hair that ranges in color from light brown to dark brown. They look like a teddy bear to us! Do you have or want a dog?

How big do Goldendoodles get? Well, that depends on the size of their parents! They can come in threes sizes, Mini, Medium and Standard.

What kind of personality do Goldendoodles have? They are gentle and affectionate dogs with an easy-going temperament. They are extremely intelligent, and according to the Goldendoodle Association of North America, they score in the top 4 of the 150 smartest breeds.

Fun Fact: Did you know that dogs loose their baby teeth too?! At around 12 weeks, the deciduous teeth begin to fall out, and the permanent teeth begin to erupt. Normally by 6 months of age, all permanent teeth have erupted, and all deciduous teeth have fallen out. (See picture above)

How many dogs are there in the world? The World Dog Federation recognizes 406 dog breeds, while the American Kennel Club has much stricter standards and only recognizes 200 breeds (the Golden Doodle is not included in their listing - how dare they!)

Learn more about Goldendoodles - HERE


Idea: Paint Rocks


THING: Sleeping Queens