THING: Sleeping Queens

Recommended, written and photographed by Amila M.

Game name: Sleeping Queens

Game Creators: Miranda and Madeline Evarts

Why you should play it: I suggest it because it is a super fun game that the whole family can play. It was given to me by my friend’s grandma (Shoutout to Gigi!). I played it with them and I immediately loved and it became my favorite game.

Fun fact: It was made by a family. A family named the Evarts. A 6-year old girl named Miranda dreamt about it in a dream and the next day she told her sister Madeline. They told their parents and their parents helped them make Miranda’s dream come true. They had a little baby brother named Stephen and he helped by not eating the cards or drooling on them.


ANIMAL: Goldendoodle


PLACE: Aardvark Letterpress