PERSON: Julia Butterfly Hill

Julia Butterfly Hill, is an environmental activist, who captured the world’s attention with her dedication in protecting our precious forests. In December of 1977 she lived in an ancient redwood tree until December 1979 - 738 days! She made this tree her home in hopes of preventing the clear cutting of old growth redwood trees in California. She named the tree “Luna”. She made many sacrifices and life 180 feet up was not easy. The environment was often wet and she had to manage through many storms. She had some friends who would bring her supplies and plenty of animals that she made friends with. And guess what?! The “tree-in” worked! Her persistence caught the attention of the media and she was able to negotiate with the company that was trying to cut down the trees. They were saved! Thank you Julia Butterfly Hill ʚїɞ

Read: We are excited to read her book: "Saving the Ancient Redwoods"

Learn: More info about “Luna” the tree HERE

Watch: A short video about the sit-in - HERE


PLACE: Aardvark Letterpress


IDEA: Painted Birds