PERSON: Sabrina Che

We are happy to introduce you to our friend Sabrina Che! She is an exceptional artist - meticulous and thoughtful. She recently had an outstanding show, Gilded Consciousness at Great Art Space in Beverly Hills and has an upcoming show in Japan. We cherish our friendship and our adventures around the city xo

What are some of your current obsessions? Rocks, Antiques, Karaoke

Tell us a story from your childhood? When I was little, around 5 years old, I would go shopping with my mom at different department stores. My favorite thing to do while waiting for her to finish up was to hide in the racks of denim—specifically in the center of the circular shaped racks. Once I would enter the wall of blue, this was a private island of my own making where I would just look at the ceiling of the store. The denim would dampen any sound and help me create a quiet space for my imagination to fly. When focusing on the sensations of muffled sound, I felt like I was hearing white space! Like I was inside of a white noise machine, watching the dappling of sound form shapes in my mind. I would occasionally spook any other shopper browsing for jeans. An accidental scare, but a scare nonetheless. There would be hastened apologies, quick closing of the jeans like shutters on a window. Little moments that would drag me from my mental seclusion into minor regret, I felt bad that I potentially made someone uncomfortable. But I would continue to linger in the circular racks until my mom would call for me. This was my favorite part of shopping—the opportunity to slip away.

What are some of your daydreams? One thing I love to daydream about is what people are doing. An example of this is if I see someone walking down the sidewalk. I like to piece together the story of their day—where they are going, if they're in a rush, how important is the errand or task at hand. It's nice to think and fantasize about what others are doing and their potential motivations behind their actions!

What is something you heard or saw recently that has stuck with you? The sound of a waterfall with the prickling ache sensation of my feet in a freezing river.

What is something you are looking forward to? I am looking forward to the next project I want to make, and spending time with my friends :)

Follow along with Sabrina on IG and her website!


PLACE: Side Street Projects


IDEA: Play a game